
Hoi4 close air support
Hoi4 close air support

hoi4 close air support

For example, a Field Marshal can have organization first which gives +2% reinforce chance which is an overall trait. Try to run the business as well as you can. So first of all, an enormous thank you to for stepping in to deal with a pretty horrendous bug that could have scuppered the whole thing. Use the division placeholder 5/6 guys with engineers. I do also generally go out of my way to avoid the doctrine. The result of the coups do not matter - coups will still count if the new government lost the civil war. Spain has started more than 5 coups has more than 4 spies You have to start six coups (the achievement text says five, but the actual game files say greater than five). I’ve also paid a lot of attention to CAS. To increase the 24 SF battalion cap, you would have to exceed the 480 non-SF battalion breakeven point by 20 for each additional SF battalion. Recon is pretty trash other than light tank recon for armor cheese. In combat, divisions pile in as long as the total combat width is less than or equal to the available frontage. Don't fight in By wartime, they had some 30+ divisions that were perfect for garrison duties.

Hoi4 close air support